
Monday, October 25, 2010

Will Twitter Ever Be Universally Adopted by Small Business?

I have to admit I am a huge fan of Twitter. I use it daily through my personal account (@CourtneyMills) and in maintaining the ineedhits account (@ineedhits). Its an easy way to catch up on the latest news worldwide, share my latest news and find out who is saying what about me and ineedhits ;o).

While the business world is slowly adopting Twitter (and social media in general) as another way to connect with customers and prospects, I think there is still a long way to go before it becomes a focal point of every businesses marketing strategy.

To help the cause, I wanted to share a new blog post from Mashable titled: Why Twitter Is a Big Win for Small Businesses.

The article outlines how Twitter is working effectively for three "real" small businesses. What I love most about the article is that it shows how different businesses are using Twitter. There is no tried and tested method to using Twitter, its as simple as: Give it a Go!


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